ASTER Pro-X license - a perpetual license where X is the number of seats:
ASTER Annual-X license - a license valid for 1 year, where X is the number of seats:
One or more Annual-X or Pro-X licenses on the PC.
The number of added workplaces will be equal to the sum of the indexes in the license name, but not exceeding 12. For example, to create 8 workplaces, you need to activate one Pro-6 and one Pro-2 licenses. To increase the number of workplaces, you need to activate
Starting from version ASTER 2.51, to increase the number of workplaces, you can combine Pro-X and Annual-X licenses. For example, if you have Pro-3 and you want to have 5 workplaces for a year, you can purchase an annual license for 2 workplaces and simply activate it on ASTER and it will allow the 2.
You can also combine two Annual licenses
If the licenses have a different number of workplaces, they are combined. For example, if you have activated an Annual-3 license, then after activating an Annual-2 license, you will be able to create up to 5 workplaces. When one of the license expires, you will still have the license whose validity period has not yet expired.
If the licenses have the same number of workplaces (for example, two Annual-2 licenses), when activating the second license, you will have a choice: you can either expand the number of workplaces (in this case, up to 4), or extend the validity period of the current license. In other words, the new validity period of the license will be 1 year + the remaining duration of the existing license, without expanding the number of workplaces.
1. The new ASTER version allows for deactivating the license, for example, for transferring to the other hardware. Below are listed the events when you have to perform deactivation on which completion the current keys become invalid and you will obtain new ones instead:
In other events of the change of equipment (for example, addition/replacement of network cards, memory upgrade, etc.), deactivation is not needed.
In case of an unforeseen replacement of HDD or CPU (as a result of failure thereof), you have to contact the support team and submit the technical report and ASTER activation codes which have been used on this computer.
If several ASTER licenses have been activated on a single PC (for example, through error) you may select the ones you wish to deactivate.
2. Software reactivation in cases when deactivation is not required (for example, after reinstallation of operating system on the same HDD) may be carried out as many times as you wish using the available key (i.e. the same as during the first ASTER installation).
You can not upgrade your ASTER Home License to ASTER Pro-2 or Pro-2 license.
ASTER Pro-2 and Pro-6 license allows you to add more workplaces using Pro-1 license.
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