Licensing terms and updates


For 2 - 6 Workplaces

ASTER Pro-X license - a perpetual license where X is the number of seats:

  • The license is perpetual license.
  • You can increase the number of seats by activating additional Pro-X licenses but no more than 12 seats on one PC (see details below).
  • License is transferable to other equipment after deactivation.
  • Activation or transfer to another PC can only be done as a whole - partial activation on multiple computers is not supported.

ASTER Annual-X

For 2 - 6 Workplaces

ASTER Annual-X license - a license valid for 1 year, where X is the number of seats:

  • It is an annual subscription. meaning that to continue using it after the expiration of 1 year, a new Pro or Annual-X license needs to be purchased and activated.
  • You can increase the number of seats by activating additional Annual-X licenses but no more than 12 seats on one PC (see details below).
  • License is transferable to other equipment after deactivation.
  • Activation or transfer to another PC can only be done as a whole - partial activation on multiple computers is not supported.
  • This type of license is only supported on version ASTER 2.51 and newer.

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